You also want to travel to Israel?
Here are a few general tips :
1. Israel is not cheap!
I was quite surprised how expensive the country is!
Prices move in a European context. But hostels there to be sufficient in larger and more touristy places and cook yourself offers itself to save money. As a daily budget I’d probably around 40-50 euros schedule (when shopping in the supermarket and cook yourself).
Take a look on this interesting options for travel –
For us it was a bit more expensive, but we were not mega-budget on the go:
On average we spent about 30 euros per head per night for accommodation (always private rooms). Plus about 300 euros for 10 days car rental (plus gasoline prices in German), 0.5L beer from the supermarket : Approx. 2,50 € . Beer in a bar: 6 Euro for 0.5 L. Vegetarian food in the restaurant: good and happy around 10 euros.
2. Warning: Shabbat!
If you do not have a lot of time in Israel, try your trip not to lay Shabbat around. All shops and restaurants close, deserted streets, no public transport at the start (from Friday sunset until late at night on Saturday) – There goes about 1 1/2 days nothing.
3. Sit deal with the situation on the ground and history
So you can travel through Israel and reflected much more of understand what you are seeing and experiencing.
4. Hummus, Baby!
We were hooked from day 1. Fresh and homemade from the shop of course the hammer, but it is also a sensational favorable selection in the supermarket.
On average, about 2-3 euros (10-15 shekels) per medium-sized package. And still horny pita bread and there you go.